Fergus Falls, the southern most city on this birding trail, is located on I-94 in the West Central Lakes Area just 175 miles NW of Minneapolis. Fergus Falls is centered within deciduous woodlands, tall grass prairies, and lakes country. Eleven of the birding sites are within 20 miles of Fergus Falls.
Fergus Falls guests will also enjoy a strong performing arts community, a first class museum and The Prairie Wetlands Learning Center as well as biking, fishing, golfing and the full range of outdoor winter activities. Many festivals add more excitement including: Frostbite Festival, SummerFest, and the Phelps Mill Festival.
For more information contact Visit Fergus Falls, 1119 N Union Ave Unit B, Fergus Falls, MN 56537. 218-446-0002. E-mail: info@visitfergusfalls.com or look us up at www.visitfergusfalls.com.
Detroit Lakes is located in unique transition zone of three ecosystems along the Pine to Prairie International Birding Trail. Tallgrass prairie, deciduous forests and conifer forests all converge within the Detroit Lakes area. These habitats offer more than 250 species of birds in Becker County, providing exceptional opportunities for the beginning to experienced birder.
Come celebrate the spring migration at the Detroit Lakes Festival of Birds in May with field trips, workshops, special presentations and socials. Visitors to Detroit Lakes have a variety of activities to participate in, from Thomas Dambo troll hunting, fishing, golfing, mountain biking, swimming, tubing, scuba diving, wildlife watching, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, shopping, dining and live theatre performances.
For more information contact the Detroit Lakes Tourism Bureau, 700 Summit Avenue, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501; 218-847-9202. E-mail: dlchamber@VisitDetroitLakes.com or look us up at www.VisitDetroitLakes.com
Pelican Rapids is located on Hwy. 59 between Fergus Falls and Detroit Lakes on the western edge of Otter Tail County. Nestled in the heart of the county’s 1,048 lakes, it provides deciduous woodlands and prairie to the west. To the east is Maplewood State Park which provides deciduous woodlands, lakes, potholes and open fields. Seasonal recreation activities abound both in summer and winter.
For more information contact Pelican Rapids City, P.O. Box 350, Pelican Rapids, MN 56572-0350. www.pelicanrapids.com
LODGING Our area provides many lodging opportunities including motels, bed & breakfasts, resorts and camping facilities. Please contact the Pelican Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce for help finding the best lodging to fit your needs.
Thief River Falls is located midway along the Pine To Prairie Birding Trail. Bring your binoculars, your camera and your sense of wonder and adventure. Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, the largest wildlife refuge in the state of Minnesota, is an incredible hotspot located within a short distance. The refuge provides a haven for as many as 280 species of birds.
You are apt to spy the Sedge Wren, the Mourning Warbler, Yellow Rail, or the Sandhill Crane, just to name a few. If you have any downtime from birding, Thief River Falls offers plenty to keep you occupied with a museum, 18 hole golf course, nearby casinos and a tour of the Arctic Cat plant where snowmobiles and ATVs are manufactured.
For more information contact Visit Thief River Falls, 102 Main Ave. N, Thief River Falls, Mn. 56701. 1-218-686-9785, E-mail: info@visittrf.com or look us up at www.visittrf.com
Roseau, just 10 miles from Canada, provides a tremendous opportunity to enjoy wildlife and wildflower viewing at the numerous public parks, State wildlife refuges, management areas, and forests all within a 20 minute drive. Other activities in Roseau include: Polaris Industries Experience Center and plant tours, Roseau County Museum, Pioneer Farm & Village, camping, fishing, paved and single-track bike trails, paddle boarding, kayaking, golfing, escape rooms, and unique specialty & antique stores.
For more information contact the Roseau Convention & Visitors Bureau, Box 307, Roseau, MN 56751. 1-218-463-0009 e-mail: roseaupromotions@mncable.net or look us up at www.goroseau.com
Our county is located in the very northwest corner of Minnesota. Manitoba, Canada is our neighbor to the north, and Pembina County, North Dakota is our neighbor to the west. Kittson County is named after Canadian fur trader and railroad entrepreneur Norman Kittson. The population is 4,552. Skull Lake is Kittson County’s only natural lake. Lake Bronson, for which the city of Lake Bronson takes its name, is man-made. Its county seat is Hallock. The county has a total area of 1,103.51 square miles, of which 1,097.08 square miles (or 99.42%) is land and 6.43 square miles (or 0.58%) is water.
Kittson County is home to numerous bird species both common and rare, including: Sandhill Crane, Snow, Blue, & Canada Goose, migrating Swans, Marbled Godwit, several owl species, ruffed & sharptail grouse, Hungarian Partridge, Bald Eagle, Cormorant, many shore birds, and many upland species. Many public lands are within a short drive including Lake Bronson State Park, Aggasiz National Wildlife Refuge, and several DNR managed Wildlife management Areas. Other common wildlife include timber wolf, whitetail deer, black bear, moose, and beavers.
The community of Red Lake Falls is located midway along the Pine to Prairie Birding Trail on Highway 32. Ten of the birding sites are within 30 miles of Red Lake Falls. When not birding, you can enjoy our beautiful parks and campgrounds located along the Clearwater and Red Lake Rivers.
Our city along the two rivers, offers fishing, kayaking, canoeing, tubing and hiking trails with scenic overlooks. Add to that our beautiful golf course and a few great restaurants and our friendly city is a scenic vacation spot many of us proudly call our home! There are beautiful trail systems for every season for bird watching, cross country skiing, snowmobiling, biking and hiking.
For more information contact Red Lake Falls City Hall, 108 3rd St. SW, Red Lake Falls, MN 56750. 1-218-253-2684. Email: info@redlakefalls.com or visit us at www.redlakefalls.com
The city of Warren is located in the NW corner of Minnesota 30 miles west of Thief River Falls, MN. Warren is located at the intersection of US Hwy 75 and MN Hwy 1. With our Glacial Lake Agassiz beach ridges, 4 flood control impoundments and NW Minnesota Pollinator Garden, the Warren area supports exceptional birdwatching year-round. Experience northern Minnesota specialties (Snowy Owls, Bohemian Waxwings, Black-billed Magpies and winter finches), migration spectacles and agricultural heritage. Check out who’s here – at www.ebird.org.
For more information contact the Warren City Office, 120 E. Bridge Ave., Warren, MN 56762, 218-745-5343, info@warrenminnesota.com or www.warrenminnesota.com.
Otter Tail Lakes Country Association is a regional non-profit marketing and economic development organization. We have been helping visitors Find Their Inner Otter in this region since 1976. More than forty years later, our organization is stronger than ever. Today, memberships are made up of a wide range of businesses, organizations, and communities. We rely on the collaboration and collective action of our members to promote this region as a premiere destination to Play, Stay, Dine, Live & Work. By increasing regional brand awareness, we all benefit. Of course, doing so relies on the collaboration and collective action of area businesses. We want to invite you to consider joining the Otter Tail Lakes Country Association.
Where is Otter Tail County, MN? We are in the middle of everywhere! Located 2.5 hours from Minneapolis, MN and 45 minutes from Fargo, ND. Our area is made up of twenty-four charming communities sprinkled among wooded hills and crystal-clear lakes. Otter Tail County has 1,048 lakes over 11% of all the lakes in Minnesota equaling 2,354 miles of shoreline. The equivalent of driving from Minneapolis, MN to Acapulco, Mexico. #FindYourInnerOtter
For more information contact the Otter Tail Lakes Country Association at 218-770-8208, marketing@ottertailcountry.com or click here: https://ottertaillakescountry.com/.
No matter what type of Inner Otter you are, Otter Tail Lakes Country has diverse lodging opportunities including tent camping. glamping, yurts, and train cars to more traditional cabins, hotels and motels we have it all! Check out our lodging directory to find a spot that best fits your Inner Otter: https://ottertaillakescountry.com/stay/
MINNESOTA: For additional information on Minnesota’s recreational opportunities, contact:
MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1-888-646-6367 • www.dnr.state.mn.us
EXPLORE MINNESOTA TOURISM 1-800-657-3700 • www.exploreminnesota.com