Hayes Lake State Park, located 15 miles south and nine miles east of Roseau, is managed by the Minnesota DNR. It is located at the western edge of the extensive peat lands and forests of Roseau and Lake of the Woods counties. This 2,950 acre state park features hiking, a campground, a group camp and camper cabins. A new bog boardwalk provides the visitor with opportunities to view boreal bird species, as well as ladyslippers.
Common Loon, Osprey, Whip-poor-will, Black-backed Woodpecker, Gray Jay, Black-billed Magpie and Cedar Waxwing. Rare birds recorded here include Spruce Grouse, Boreal Owl and Western Wood-Pewee.
Vehicle permits are required. Area map and bird checklist are available. Picnic area and camping available. Adjacent to the Beltrami Island State Forest. Two hundred bird species have been sighted in the park.