Roseau River Wildlife Management Area Bird Trail

  • Habitat

    There are three wetland impoundments (Pool 1 east and west, Pool 2, and Pool 3). Vegetation/cover types include lowland brush, floating bog, sedge meadows, shallow wetlands, grasslands, cropland, and smaller inclusions of deciduous and coniferous forests. The Roseau River flows through the Roseau River WMA before entering Canada.

  • Features

    Roseau River Wildlife Management Area encompasses 75,193 acres and is managed by the DNR. The Roseau River flows west through the unit. There are 27 miles of dikes which create three large pools that are managed as wetlands. The area provides premiere wildlife habitat for breeding and migratory birds, and is one of very few nesting spots in Minnesota for the Horned Grebe.

  • Best Times to Visit
    April through October. Very popular with waterfowl and deer hunters during season. Check at the headquarters for restrictions and areas to avoid.
  • Birds to Look For

    Five species of grebes, Least Bittern, waterfowl, Yellow Rail, Sandhill Crane, Wilson’s Phalarope, Franklin’s Gull, Forster’s Tern, Marsh Wren, LeConte’s and Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrows.

  • Area Notes

    There is a Wildlife Drive that provides excellent viewing opportunities. Dike roads along pools may be accessed on foot or by bicycle. Best viewing probably in spring, as cattails may obscure view of some areas in late summer or fall. Blinds on the east side of Pool One may be used for bird observation except during the waterfowl hunting season. Also check areas of sedge marsh south of this WMA along County Road 7. There are 5 boat launches available for public use. Two are located on the east and west ends of Pool 1 west, one at the northwest corner of Pool 2, one at the west end of Pool 3, and one along the Roseau River (see visitor map at the DNR’s website).

  • Photo Gallery
Randy Prachar

(218) 463-1130

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