Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge Bird Trail

  • Features

    Close to 43,000 acres. Prairie, bogs, hardwoods and pine forests. The refuge has an interpretive center, hiking trails, auto tour routes as well as boating available on refuge lakes and ponds. Managed by the USFWS.

  • Best Times to Visit
    April through June, August through October.
  • Birds to Look For

    Common Loon; Trumpeter Swan; Wood Duck; Bald Eagle; Red-shouldered and Broadwinged Hawks; Peregrine Falcon; Ruffed Grouse; American Woodcock; Winter, Sedge and Marsh Wrens; many neotropical migrants including 25 species of warblers possible in mid-May. Rarities seen include: White-winged Scoter; Great Gray Owl; Black-backed Woodpecker; Boreal Chickadee; Townsend’s Solitaire; Northern Mockingbird; Cerulean Warbler and Spotted Towhee.

  • Area Notes

    Checklist available. Stop at the visitor center for current information. Hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays year-round, and 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. summer weekends. Please share wildlife sightings with refuge staff. Closed federal holidays.

  • Photo Gallery